Welcome to Kamchatka, the Land of Adventure!

Experience an unforgettable adventure in Kamchatka by going hunting for real trophies! Experienced guides, modern equipment and safety are waiting for you at every stage. Immerse yourself in the pristine beauty of the Kamchatka forests, enjoying breathtaking views and the adrenaline that only real hunting brings.
Kamchatka Brown Bear
– the largest predator of the Russian forest zone. Since July, the basis of its diet on the peninsula is fish, namely spawning salmon. Almost always, even in the most "unstable" year, the bear is able to get food in the rivers. Another important component of the animal's diet is the cedar elfin nut, which, with a plentiful harvest, remains under snow until spring. Cedar elderberry grows everywhere in the forest zone, forming thickets that are difficult for humans to cross. They can often occupy hundreds of hectares and stretch for tens of kilometers. In harvest years, bears concentrate in places rich in cones and lie down in dens there or nearby, they also feed on them after leaving the dens. Berries (mountain ash, blueberries) also play a significant role in the nutrition of the animal. As a rule, since mid-September, bears have been visiting salmon spawning grounds on an irregular basis, switching to plant-based food. After leaving the dens, bears may not eat for quite a long time, using fat reserves. Many bears gather on the seashore, collecting discarded seaweed and other "gifts" of the ocean. On the thawed tundra, they dig up various roots and bulbs, dig in anthills in birch forests. The abundance and availability of food determine the rather calm nature of Kamchatka bears, they rarely attack people, as a rule, such animals are sick.
Hunting area: Ust-Kamchatsky district.

Mode of transport during hunting:
in spring – skis, snowmobiles, all–terrain vehicles; in autumn - motorboats, ATVs, all-terrain vehicles, on foot.

Trophies: skin, skull (for a fee).

The period of the tours (approximately):
from April 25 to June 1 and August 25 to October 31.

Type of hunting: individual with an approach to the beast by hiding at crossings, at feeding sites.
Brown Bear Hunting
Kamchatka has the largest world population of the brown bear, it is inhabited by about 6,000 representatives of this species. The bear is the largest terrestrial predator on the peninsula. Their high density and record sizes (the weight of old males reaches 600 kg, and the body length is up to 2.5 m) are explained by the abundance of feed, which is based on a large number of salmon spawning in rivers annually. The color of the brown bear varies from light straw to almost black.
The approximate cost is 330,000 ₽
Kamchatka weather in early spring is very similar to winter, at night and in the morning up to -10, in the afternoon 0, +3+5 ° C. From the bright sun, you need good glasses, sunscreen with maximum protection and creams for the skin of the face and hands.
For hunting the Kamchatka bear, weapons with 300 Win Mag, 375 H&H, 9,3x64 and similar cartridges with heavy expansive bullets are used. Such cartridges allow you to confidently hit large animals.
In addition, you need: warm and waterproof shoes, a jacket, trousers, a hat and mittens, a sleeping bag. We will discuss the hunting program in advance and give the necessary recommendations.
The price of the tour includes:
  • meeting guests at the airport
  • hotel accommodation for the period of hunting, sauna (on the base)
  • meals
  • use of group equipment, motor transport, services of professional hunters, cooks and stokers
  • search for a bear and organization of hunting, trophy processing, license to shoot a bear
The price of the tour does not include:
  • a permit for the import and export of hunters' personal rifled hunting weapons,
  • a license for the export of hunting trophies,
  • insurance for the hunter, his equipment and luggage, visa support, translation services, additional services and excursions.
  • alcoholic beverages
  • and other services not provided for by prior agreement.
  • accommodation and meals in hotels (arrival-departure day)
If it is necessary to arrange a transfer, please indicate this at the time of booking the tour. We will find an opportunity and offer the lowest prices.
Bear hunting in spring
The hunting season in Kamchatka opens on April 11 and lasts for two months. On the east coast, hunting is most successful from May 1 to May 25. Group 2-4 hunters. Movement and search for tracks are carried out on snowmobiles. The snowmobile is controlled by a huntsman, the hunter is located in a sled attached to the back. The area, depending on the location of the camp, can represent both forest tundra with birch-covered hills and foothills. Depending on the terrain, skis are used for hunting, which the huntsman always has.
Early in the morning, according to a good weather, the hunters leave the camp and return after lunch, when the snow begins to melt. The tracks of the animals are clearly visible on the tundra and mountain slopes covered with sparse forest. Shooting is usually conducted at a distance of 50-250 m.

We recommend planning 6-8 days for hunting in the field itself, that is, the entire tour from the road to Kamchatka and back takes 10-12 days. Usually the trophies are mined in the first few days, but a reserve of time in case of bad weather is necessary. If the trophies are obtained and all the hunters of the same camp are unanimous in their desire to return to the benefits of civilization ahead of schedule, we will arrange a departure and help you change your flights.

Bear hunting in autumn
Hunting in autumn is more difficult, but more interesting than in spring. The season can be divided into 2 periods: hunting on rivers (August 1 — September 5-10) and in the harvest areas of cedar and mountain ash (September 10-15 – October 15).

The probability of getting a large trophy in autumn is slightly lower than in spring, when everything is covered with snow, the bear is easy to trail and determine the size by the size of paw prints. The presence of dense vegetation in autumn, the peculiarities of the bear's diet and lifestyle often leave little time for evaluating the trophy and making a shot. But the bright colors of the Kamchatka autumn, the possibility of good fishing and the charm of sea hunting, make the autumn trip more full of impressions.
Usually, after September 10-15, bears are less willing to go out to the rivers, switching to eating berries (rowan, blueberry) and pine nuts.
In our experience, the animals are most concentrated in places of mass harvest of Kamchatka mountain ash and elfin cones. As a rule, we already know such places by the end of September and set up camp there. Fishing camps are often used, next to which there are arrays of cedar elfin. Hunters leave the camp by all-terrain vehicle or boat, if the river is nearby, and, having reached the previously explored tract, explore the land on foot or on horseback. Broken branches and bear trails in the thickets are clearly visible from a great distance. Here, patience is the key to success. After sitting for an hour or two with binoculars, you can always see fattening animals in the cedar tree. Sometimes it is possible to catch a bear crossing the tundra. The huntsman will help determine the route of concealment, and the right shot will determine the success of the operation. It is necessary to shoot very accurately, because it is difficult to get a wounded animal in kedrach even with a dog. The thickets of elderberry are so dense that you can't help but wonder how fast a frightened bear can run through them. The elderberry grows in large arrays on the slopes of the hills, between which you can find a passage through the key or tundra. If the hunting site is chosen successfully and the weather is favorable, then, moving from one hill to another, hunters see up to a dozen bears per day.
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+7 (984)167-9411
Contact us
We are always happy to answer all your questions and help you organize an unforgettable trip. Our team of experienced guides and specialists is ready to make your vacation in Kamchatka as comfortable and exciting as possible.
Nizhnekamchatsk base
Phone: +79841679411 - Sergei
Email: sergei.u.rus@mail.ru
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